Illinois Roofing Practice Exam 2024 - Free Roofing License Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What does the NRCA recommend when installing an asphalt shingle roof?

Four nails per shingle in moderate wind regions

Minimum of 6 nails per shingle in high wind regions

The recommendation from the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) for installing an asphalt shingle roof in regions subject to high winds is to use a minimum of 6 nails per shingle. This guideline is based on the increased risk of shingles being uplifted by wind forces, and more fastening provides better security and helps to ensure that the roof maintains its integrity during adverse weather conditions. Adequate nailing helps prevent water penetration and other potential issues associated with compromised roof structures. Using four nails in moderate wind regions may be sufficient, but in areas where wind speeds are higher, the additional fasteners reinforce the shingles. Conversely, having two nails may not provide enough hold in any region, leaving roofing vulnerable to wind damage. Eight nails, while more than recommended, could unnecessarily increase material costs and labor without proportional benefits. Thus, the NRCA's specific guidelines help ensure the best practices for durability and performance of roofing systems in varying wind conditions.

Two nails per shingle in any region

Eight nails per shingle in high wind regions


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